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Tumor-immune profiling of murine syngeneic tumor models as a framework to guide mechanistic studies and predict therapy response in distinct tumor microenvironments

Fig 4

Pretreatment tumor expression profile of genes for cytokines, chemokines, and their cognate receptors.

Heat map views of total tumor (100mm3) RNA expression using log2 transformed data. Five tumor samples per model were analyzed. Genes highlighted in blue are referred to in the Results section. Filled blue squares represent transcripts from RENCA overexpressed relative to EMT6, while open blue squares represent transcripts from EMT6 overexpressed relative to RENCA (FDR < 0.1). Filled orange circles represent transcripts from RENCA overexpressed relative to CT26, while open orange circles represent transcripts from CT26 overexpressed relative to RENCA (FDR < 0.1). Filled cyan diamonds represent transcripts from EMT6 overexpressed relative to CT26, while open cyan diamonds represent transcripts from CT26 overexpressed relative to EMT6 (FDR < 0.1). Statistically significant differences with B16F10 are not shown here.

Fig 4
