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The evolution of UDP-glycosyl/glucuronosyltransferase 1E (UGT1E) genes in bird lineages is linked to feeding habits but UGT2 genes is not

Fig 2

Synteny of UGT1s in bird species.

Bird phylogeny and gene locations of UGT1 exon1 were visualized in genoplotR. Species are color-coded based on feeding habits: red, carnivorous; yellow, omnivorous; and green, herbivorous. UGT1 information was retrieved from a single contig. Avian UGT1Es were located between “USP40” and “SH3BP4”. Roman numbers on the arrows indicate the UGT1 group number, “Ps” indicates pseudogenes and “XXX” indicates unclassified (<200 bp) genes. Synteny of UGT1 exon1 was well conserved among bird species.

Fig 2
