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Calorie restriction does not influence oocyte quality in oocytes from POLG mitochondrial mutator mice

Fig 3

CR does not improve mitochondrial distribution in oocytes from POLGD257A/257A.

A. Representative images of MII eggs labeled with MitoTracker (shown in red) from 7-month-old WT, POLGD257A/257A, and POLGD257A/257A-CR mice. Abnormal mitochondrial clustering was prevalent in POLGD257A/257A, whereas oocytes collected from POLGD257A/257A-CR mice demonstrated diffuse mitochondrial labeling. B. Percentage of abnormal mitochondrial distribution in MII oocytes collected from WT, POLGD257A/257A, and POLGD257A/257A-CR mice (mean shown, error calculated as SD of a binomial distribution; only MII analyzed, oocytes were from 3–6 mice per group; N.S., not significant; P > 0.05).

Fig 3
