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Calorie restriction does not influence oocyte quality in oocytes from POLG mitochondrial mutator mice

Fig 1

Body weight and ovarian characteristics following CR in POLGD257A/257A female mice.

A. Body weight was decreased following the onset of CR. AL-fed POLGD257A/257A mice (D57A/D57A) denoted by grey line; POLG on a CR diet (D57A/D57A-CR) denoted by black line (error bars shown at selected age intervals for clarity, n = 3–10 mice per group, * indicates P < 0.05, N.S., not significant). B. Histological sections of representative ovaries from 7-month old WT, AL-fed POLGD257A/257A, and POLGD257A/257A fed a CR diet demonstrates normal ovarian follicle distribution. Of note, ovarian cysts were present in approximately 50% ovaries collected from POLGD257A/257A mice, regardless of dietary status (ovarian cyst denoted by black arrow; ovaries from 4 out of 8 POLGD257A/257A and 5 out of 8 POLGD257A/257A-CR harbored cysts). C. Representative histological ovarian section of a POLGD257A/257A mouse containing a large ovarian cyst. D. CR reduces the number of ovulated oocytes at 5 and 7 months of age in POLGD257A/257A mice (3 months n = 3; 5-, 7-, 9-month n = 6).

Fig 1
