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Impact of two neighbouring ribosomal protein clusters on biogenesis factor binding and assembly of yeast late small ribosomal subunit precursors

Fig 4

Semi-quantitative proteomic analyses of changes in the Rio2 associated SSU precursor protein composition after in vivo depletion of S3-cluster proteins.

Yeast strains were cultivated for four hours in glucose containing medium to shut down expression of either rpS3 (Y427), rpS20 (Y428), rpS29 (Y2705) or no r-protein (Y409). SSU precursors associated with TAP tagged Rio2 were affinity purified and the SSU precursor protein composition of each conditional expression mutant was compared with the one of wildtype cells (depleted vs. wildtype) by semi-quantitative mass spectrometry as described in Materials and Methods. The results of two independent biological replicates (a, b) for ribosome biogenesis factors (A) and for SSU r-proteins (B) are visualized as heat map (colour legend in the upper right corner). Trees on the left of the heatmaps show results of hierarchical clustering analyses to identify groups of proteins with similar changes (see Materials and Methods). The respective names of proteins are indicated on the right of the heatmaps with the average number of peptides identified for each protein in brackets. A star (*) indicates that the respective protein was identified in one of the analyses just by one peptide.

Fig 4
