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Differential expression of vitamin D associated genes in the aorta of coronary artery disease patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis

Fig 1

Graphical representation of the VDR/RXR activation pathway from Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA).

The data set containing gene identifiers and corresponding fold changes and p-values generated from one-way ANOVA analysis in Partek Genomic Suite Software was uploaded into the web-delivered IPA application. Each gene identifier was mapped to its corresponding gene object in the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base. The data set was mined with the IPA library to extract information of the canonical VDR/RXR activation pathway, and networks were generated by using IPA graphical representations of the molecular relationships between genes and gene products. Red color represent genes that are upregulated; grey: genes from the dataset that did not pass the analysis cutoffs; white: genes from the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base that are not part of the dataset.

Fig 1
