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Uncovering the fine print of the CreERT2-LoxP system while generating a conditional knockout mouse model of Ssrp1 gene

Fig 6

Excision efficiency of Ssrp1 fl/fl by two alleles of germline-expressed CreERT2.

A) Immunoblot to determine SSRP1 and SPT16 protein expression in primary, immortalized, and transformed Ssrp1fl/fl CreERT2+/+ and Ssrp1 fl/+ CreERT2+/+ fibroblasts with or without 4-OHT treatment (2 μM) for 120 h. B) PCR of genomic DNA to confirm excision of Ssrp1 in primary, immortalized, and transformed Ssrp1fl/fl CreERT2+/+ and Ssrp1 fl/+ CreERT2+/+ fibroblasts with or without 4-OHT treatment (2 μM) for 120 h. C) qPCR to determine the relative expression of the excised gene in Ssrp1fl/fl MSCV CreERT2, Ssrp1fl/fl CreERT2+/- and Ssrp1fl/fl CreERT2+/+ cells when treated with 2 μM 4-OHT for 120 h.

Fig 6
