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Clinical, pathological, and molecular features of classical and L-type atypical-BSE in goats

Fig 3

Mean values of vacuolar lesion profiles.

Square = BSE i.c. goats; rhombus = L-BSE i.c. goats (Brain areas, Medulla (at obex): 1 Dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve, 2 Nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve, 3 Reticular formation, 4 Midline Raphe, 5 Accessory cuneate nucleus, 6 Olivary nuclei; Rostral medulla: 7 Vestibular nuclear complex, 8 Cochlear nucleus, 9 Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, 10 Midline raphe; Cerebellar vermis: 11 Nodulus±granular layer, 12 Nodulus±molecular layer; Midbrain: 13 Central grey matter, 14 Red nucleus, 15 Substantia nigra, 16 Lateral geniculate nucleus; Thalamus: 17 Dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, 18 Ventral thalamic nuclei, 19 Area hypothalamica; Frontal: 20 Caudate nucleus, 21 Nucleus accumbens, 22 Frontal cortex).X-axis: brain areas; Y-axis: mean vacuolation score with error bars (standard deviation).

Fig 3
