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A new deep-sea balanomorph barnacle (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Bathylasmatidae) from Chile

Fig 1

Scheme of wall construction and plate nomenclature in Bathylasmatidae genera.

A, plan view for Bathylasma Newman & Ross, 1971, Hexelasma Hoek, 1913 and Mesolasma Foster, 1981. B, plan view for Tetrachaelasma Newman & Ross, 1971. C, plate nomenclature, showing schematic left lateral carinolateral wall plate between adjacent plates, and viewed from within. 1: total height; 2: height below sheath; 3: height of entire sheath; 4: height of sheath crossed by growth lines; 5: width of basal margin; 6: width of ala; 7: inferior alar margin; 8: alar angle; 9: secondary alar increment or welting; 10: superior alar margin; 11: apex; 12: portion of wall overlapping adjacent plate (in this case without radii, a radius being the exterior counterpart of the welting (9) and serving much the same function) (modified from Newman & Ross [3]).

Fig 1
