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The influence of increased distal loading on metabolic cost, efficiency, and kinematics of roller ski skating

Fig 2

Ski trajectories in G2 skating.

The ski trajectories based on the average of 10 consecutive cycles among the 10 skiers in the YZ plane from lift-off to lift-off for the strong (A) and weak (B) sides in the G2 skating technique while roller skiing at 12% incline and 7 km h-1. The cycle begins at lift-off (0) and moves in the direction of the arrow, and it contains lift of time (LOT), peak height, recovery time (RT), and ground contact time (GCT). The 0 kg condition is represented by a black line, 0.5 kg by a red, 1.0 kg by a green and 1.5 kg by a blue. The arrow represents the direction of movement starting from lift off (0).

Fig 2
