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Genome-wide analysis of the NAC transcription factor family and their expression during the development and ripening of the Fragaria × ananassa fruits

Fig 3

Developmental expression of the strawberry ripening-related NAC genes in fruit receptacles.

qRT-PCR results were obtained using specific primers for NAC genes. Quantification is based on Ct values. Relative expression values were calculated in relation to G1 fruits receptacles Ct value in all cases, which was assigned an arbitrary value equal to unity. G1, green stage 1; G3, green stage 3; W, white stage; R, red stage; OR, overripe stage and SE, senescent stage. Data are a mean of three independent experiments. One-way ANOVA determined statistical significance. Letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05, Scheffe post-hoc test).

Fig 3
