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Unraveling endothelin-1 induced hypercontractility of human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells from patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

Fig 2

Dot plot comparing ET-1 induced contraction magnitudes in non-PAH and PAH HPASMC.

Contraction magnitudes were calculated for non-PAH (n = 5) and PAH (n = 5) HPASMC by taking the maximum negative peak value of each sample and dividing by one of the non-PAH samples giving a relative cell index value. Vertical dots indicate relative cell index for each non-PAH (triangle) and PAH (circle) HPASMC sample. The horizontal line represents the median of the group. A Welch’s two sample t-test assuming unequal variance was performed between the non-PAH and PAH groups; p-value = 0.055.

Fig 2
