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Auditory sensitivity to spectral modulation phase reversal as a function of modulation depth

Fig 1

Examples of idealized magnitude spectra for stimuli in three conditions.

In all cases the spectral modulation depth is 20 dB. The top and bottom rows show standard and target stimuli, respectively. The leftmost column shows 0.5 rpo for a condition in which all 8 bands are target bands. The middle column shows 4 rpo for a condition in which target bands are centered on 0.5 and 1 kHz, and the remaining bands are unmodulated noise (masked condition). The rightmost column shows 2 rpo for a condition in which the target is a single band centered on 2 kHz, and the remaining bands are scaled to zero (quiet condition). The +/- 6-dB interval rove is not depicted in this figure.

Fig 1
