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Design and construction of an optimized transmit/receive hybrid birdcage resonator to improve full body images of medium-sized animals in 7T scanner

Fig 3

Magnetic field magnitude maps generated at the center of the birdcage.

(a) B1+ axial, (b) B1- axial and (c) B1+ sagittal, proving high efficiency and good homogeneity. (d) B1+ axial, (e) B1- axial and (f) B1+ sagittal obtained from the coil loaded with a cylindrical sample similar to the water/NaCl/sugar phantom (electrical conductivity = 0.7 S/m, relative permittivity = 50, density = 1280 g/dm3, diameter = 11 cm and volume = 2000 cm3). The input power for each coil channel was 500 W, as 1 kW is the maximum available in the scanner.

Fig 3
