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Identification of QTL conferring resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei) and leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) in barley using nested association mapping (NAM)

Fig 2

Circos plot indicating QTL controlling stripe rust and leaf rust resistance across HEB families.

The barley chromosomes are arranged as coloured bars forming the most inner circle. Centromere regions are highlighted as transparent boxes. (A) Grey connector lines represent the genetic position of the 5,715 informative SNPs on the chromosomes with cM positions (based on Maurer et al. 2015) given on the scale outside of circle C. (B) Marker trait associations calculated for leaf rust data (AOPh). Bars identify the position and detection rate (DR, height of bars) of significant marker trait associations. Bars in blue, pointing inwards, indicate a population wide trait-decreasing effect exerted by the wild barley allele, whereas bars in red, pointing outwards, indicate a population wide trait-increasing effect exerted by the wild barley allele. The grey and orange lines depict the DR threshold of 10% and 50% across 200 cross-validation runs. (C) Marker trait associations calculated for stripe rust data (AOPsh). Graphical representation are the same as described under (A). The position of the 23 robust QTL with DR >50% are indicated on the scale outside of circle C. QTL for stripe rust and leaf rust resistance are coded with QPs and QPh, respectively.

Fig 2
