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High abundance of ArfGAP1 found in the mossy fibers in hilus of the dentate gyrus region of the mouse brain

Fig 4

ArfGAP1 protein localization in mouse dentate gyrus and cerebelum.

A, B. coronal view of the DG, poDG–polymorph layer (hilus) of the DG, grDG–granular cell layer of the DG, sr–stratum radiatum, slu–stratum lucidum, so–sorstratum oriens. CA1, CA2 and CA3 –Cornu Ammonis of the hippocampus. C, D. Coronal view of the cerebellum, ANcr1 and ANcr2 –ansiform cruciform lobule 1 and 2, arb–arbor vitae; ArfGAP1 (green), DAPI stain (blue). B,D–control experiments with the omission of primary antibody and staining only with secondary antibody. Magnification 10X. The scale bars represent 210 μm.

Fig 4
