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Antiparkinsonian effects of the "Radiprodil and Tozadenant" combination in MPTP-treated marmosets

Fig 3

Comparison of the effects of the “Radiprodil and Tozadenant” combination with the effects of L-Dopa on the disability score in MPTP-treated marmosets.

Left graph: Motor disability score (median value) recorded over 10 hours following Radiprodil (2 mg/kg) and Tozadenant (150 mg/kg) treatment given alone or in combination in MPTP-treated marmosets (n = 12). Five hours after the first drug administration, a second administration was given and, at the same time, novel objects were introduced in the testing cage. The score of 8 relates to the threshold below which the behaviours recorded corresponded to the definition of “on-time” activity (One-way ANOVA, p<0.01, Kruskal-Wallis). Right graph: Disability scored measured over 5 hours following L-Dopa (8 mg/kg). p<0.001 L-Dopa vs Vehicle (Mann-Whitney test on total score).

Fig 3
