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A large scale Plasmodium vivax- Saimiri boliviensis trophozoite-schizont transition proteome

Fig 3

Summary of P. vivax iRBC oxidative reactions [40, 119122].

Hemoglobin (Hb) oxidation in food vacuoles may be central to generation of superoxide and production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), leading to production of hydroxyl radicals and observed protein sidechain oxidations. Food vacuoles may also be central to production of nitric oxide (NO) [123124], which could be produced by additional pathways [125128], leading to reaction with superoxide, generation of peroxynitrite (ONO2), and nitration and nitrohydroxylation of additional protein sidechains. This protein oxidation and nitration may lead to or be part of iRBC oxidative stress. FP IX (ferri- or ferroprotoporphyrin IX), iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; Cyt b5, Cytochrome b5.

Fig 3
