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Isolation of putative stem cells present in human adult olfactory mucosa

Fig 4

Antigenic markers of OM cells in culture.

A. Representative FACS data of OM cells, SK-N-BE neuroblastoma cell line, U87MG glioblastoma cell line, primary fibroblasts (Fib) and primary epithelial cells. The antibodies used were anti-CD31 PE Cy7 and CD45 FITC in upper panels, and CD56 PE and Epcam FITC in lower panels. Data are presented as dot plots to visualize the expression of each marker. The percentage of the gated population is included. B. Western blots to detect Fibronectin (FN), Tuj1, Epcam, CK14, Vimentin (Vim l.e. and h.e., low and high exposure), p63, CK8 and CK5. Vinculin (Vinc) was used as loading control. C. Immunostaining for Tuj1, NSE, Nestin, S100β, FN, Vim and CK8. Dapi was used to stain nuclei. Bar, 50 μm.

Fig 4
