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Aberrant cGMP signaling persists during recovery in mice with oxygen-induced pulmonary hypertension

Fig 5

PA sGCβ expression is persistently decreased after neonatal hyperoxia exposure.

Mice were exposed to hyperoxia or room air for 14d, followed by recovery in room air for an additional 7d (21d). PA protein expression of sGCα (A), sGCβ (C), and PDE5 (E) were measured by western blot and normalized to β-actin (n = 7–8 animals per group). Representative Western blots are shown for sGCα (B), sGCβ (D), PDE5 (F), and corresponding β-actin. Data are shown as fold changes relative to untreated controls and are expressed as dot plots with each dot representing individual animals with means and SEM represented by horizontal lines. Results were analyzed using an unpaired t-test.

Fig 5
