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A new species of Carcinonemertes, Carcinonemertes conanobrieni sp. nov. (Nemertea: Carcinonemertidae), an egg predator of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus

Fig 7

Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference phylogenetic trees.

A maximum likelihood tree (a) and a Bayesian inference tree (b) both depict the phylogenetic relationship between our species (C. conanobrieni) and all Carcinonemertes species where COI sequences were available. Outgroup species used include Ovicides sp., Nipponnemertes punctatus, Nipponnemertes bimactulata, and Nipponnemertes pulchra. Both trees show clear separation between our species and all other species used in the anaylses. Accession numbers for GenBank are listed in parenthesis next to the species names.

Fig 7
