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Live imaging of primary ocular vasculature formation in zebrafish

Fig 5

Primary ocular vascular formation (lateral view).

Selected time-lapse images of a living Tg(flk1:EGFP)k7 embryo from 15S (S3 Movie) (A, C, E, G, I, and K) and their schematic diagrams (B, D, F, H, J, and L). The time (hours:minutes) from the first frame is labeled in each image (A, C, E, G, I, and K). Rostral is facing left and dorsal is facing upward. The formation of the left ocular vasculature was mainly observed. Ocular vessels in the schematic diagrams are colored (DCV: blue, OA: pink, and OV: sky blue). The OV sprouting from the vCAC (PMBC) and superficial ocular vasculature formation were observed. Arrow in F indicates the vascular connection of the CrDI and vCAC (PMBC). Arrowheads in L indicate the NCA in formation. Asterisk in J indicates the temporary anastomotic branch between the CrDI and CaDI.

Fig 5
