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Meerkat close calling patterns are linked to sex, social category, season and wind, but not fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations

Fig 4

Structural parameters of close calls.

a) mean call duration, b) mean pulse duration, c) mean IPI duration, d) mean F0 for the social categories (1: one-year old subordinates, 2: two-year old subordinates, ELD: eldest subordinate, DOM: dominant individuals) for females (○) and males (□) during the reproductive (white) and non-reproductive (black) season. N is the sample size of individuals, ideally 7 calls per individual (for 14 sessions (12 individuals) in the non-reproductive season and 13 sessions (12 individuals) in the reproductive season we only got less than 7 calls/individual (3–6 calls (mainly 5 or 6)) per day were examined. Whiskers show the standard deviation of the data. Graphs show untransformed data. Graphs show untransformed data although the statistical tests were conducted on transformed data and as part of a mixed-model.

Fig 4
