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Exopolysaccharides extracted from Parachlorella kessleri inhibit colon carcinoma growth in mice via stimulation of host antitumor immune responses

Fig 7

PCEPS treatment attenuated the spheroid growth of CT26 colon carcinoma cells in 3D cell culture in the presence of various immune cells.

The CT26 cells were grown on a U-shaped agar matrix which contains HL-60, THP-1 or Jurkat cells (Day 0). The PCEPS (30 μg/ml) was treated twice at Day 1 and Day 4. The size of the spheroid was measured at Day 8 and Day 10 (A). The values are presented as fold change of spheroid size compared with Days 8 and 10 (Day10/Day 8). Results are presented as mean ± SD (n = 5). *, P<0.05 compared to PBS-treated CT26 cells alone group by Tukey’s test. †, P<0.05 compared to same group in PBS-treated group by t-test. (B) Typical pictures of spheroid in each group. Scale bar in each picture represents 100 μm. (C) Typical morphologies of HL-60, THP-1 and Jurkat cells in agar matrix of each treatment group. Scale bar in each picture represents 20 μm.

Fig 7
