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Morphological and morphometric specializations of the lung of the Andean goose, Chloephaga melanoptera: A lifelong high-altitude resident

Fig 1

Lung, parabronchi and interparabronchial septa of the lung of the Andean goose (Chloephaga melanoptera).

(A) Medial- and lateral (insert) views of the cone-shaped lung. •, costovertebral sulci; SB, secondary bronchi; circle, hilum. (B) Transverse slices of the lung showing large blood vessels (⋆), secondary bronchi (SB), a primary bronchus (Pr), paleopulmonic parabronchi (PP), neopulmonic parabronchi (NP) and a costovertebral sulcus (•). (C, D) Histological- (C) and scanning electron (D) micrographs showing parabronchial lumina (PL) that are surrounded by parenchyma (Pa). ⋆, interparabronchial blood vessels; *, intraparabronchial blood vessels; circle (O), areas where interparabronchial septa exist; square (□), areas where interparabronchial septa are missing. The area bounded by the dashed outline in D is enlarged on 2B. (E, F) Toluidine blue stained- (E) and scanning electron (F) micrographs showing interparabronchial septa (circle, O). Pa, parenchyma; ⋆, interparabronchial blood vessels; *, intraparabronchial blood vessels; •, air capillaries; ↑, blood capillaries; If, infundibulae.

Fig 1
