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Ras-like family small GTPases genes in Nilaparvata lugens: Identification, phylogenetic analysis, gene expression and function in nymphal development

Fig 3

Tissue expression patterns of N. lugens genes encoding RSGs.

Total RNA was extracted from the salivary gland (SG), gut (GT), fat body(FB), ovary(OV), hemolymph(HM), integument(IT), leg(LG) and wing (WG). Three biological replications (mean ± SE) were carried out for each gene based on independent samples and relative value for the expression level of target gene was calculated by the equation Y = 10 (Ct internal- Ct target)/3 x100%, using the geometric mean of 18S rRNA and β-actin as internal control. Different letters indicate significant differences among different tissues by Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.01.

Fig 3
