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Cyclic-AMP regulates postnatal development of neural and behavioral responses to NaCl in rats

Fig 11

Localization of δ-ENaC in control HBO cells.

The figure shows the overlay of the transmitted (DIC) image, DAPI labelled cell nuclei (blue) and δ-ENaC binding to HBO cells (green). (Panel A) Shows low resolution images (L) of δ-ENaC antibody binding to HBO cells under control conditions. The δ-ENaC-antibody binding was observed only in a subset of HBO cells. In 14 images, out of 113 HBO cells examined, 27 cells (23.9%) were positive for δ-ENaC. (Panel B) Shows high resolution images (H) of δ-ENaC antibody binding to a subset of control HBO cells. The δ-ENaC antibody binding was observed mainly in the cytosolic compartment with much less binding in the apical compartment of HBO cells (arrows).

Fig 11
