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Highly sensitive detection of a HER2 12-base pair duplicated insertion mutation in lung cancer using the Eprobe-PCR method

Fig 2

Sensitivity of Eprobe-PCR for detecting HER2 12-bp duplicated insertion.

MT: HER2 12-bp duplicated insertion mutation type, WT: HER2 wild type, NTC: No template control (diluted water). (a) Evaluation of mutated genome amplification. The blue line indicates MT only plasmid DNA at 10,000 copies per reaction, red: 1,000, green: 100, purple: 10, light blue: 1, orange: WT plasmid DNA, black: NTC. The light blue line shows no amplification. It overlaps with WT and NTC lines. (b) Sensitivity of 12-bp duplicated insertion detection in heterogenetic conditions. The blue line indicates MT only plasmid DNA at 10,000 copies per reaction, red: 1,000, green: 100, purple: 10, light blue: 1, orange: WT plasmid DNA, black: NTC (diluted water). The total copy number for each was adjusted to 10,000 copies per reaction. The light blue line shows no amplification. It overlaps WT and NTC lines. (c) Cp (crossing point) values of two experiments (a) and (b) were calculated by the second derivative maximum method in the LightCycler480. The data were then transferred to Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and Cp values were evaluated.

Fig 2
