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The Arginine Pairs and C-Termini of the Sso7c4 from Sulfolobus solfataricus Participate in Binding and Bending DNA

Fig 4

Electron micrographs of the phiX174 plasmid with or without the wild-type/C-terminally truncated Sso7c4 proteins.

Representative images of Sso7c4-DNA complexes visualized by EM. Nicked phiX174 plasmids were incubated with different stoichiometries (5 bp/dimer or 0.5 bp/dimer) of either the wild-type (wt) or C-terminally truncated (ctt) proteins. (A) High magnification images of the relaxed, circular phiX174 plasmid alone. (B) and (C) High magnification images of the wild-type Sso7c4-plasmid complex. (D) and (E) High magnification images of the C-terminally truncated Sso7c4-plasmid complex. The scale bar represents 100 nm.

Fig 4
