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Diversity in the Globally Distributed Diatom Genus Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyceae): Three New Species from Warm-Temperate Waters

Fig 2

Chaetoceros decipiens.

LM (A and B), TEM (C, D, H-J) and SEM (E-G). A-E: Seta structure of lectotype MIC5366 (A), strains P14B3B (B) and D10 (C–E), showing the 4–6 sided seta with poroids and small spines. F: Terminal valve with fringes (arrowheads); strain D10. G: Silica warts on the basal ring of the mantle; strain D10. H: Annulus, costae and poroid pattern on intercalary valve; strain P10E5. I: Terminal valve showing rimoportula without external process (arrowhead); strain D10. J: Girdle bands; strain D10. A and B scale bars, 10 μm. C–J scale bars, 2 μm.

Fig 2
