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Anti-Inflammatory Properties of the Enaminone E121 in the Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS) Colitis Model

Fig 6

Effect of E121 on neutrophil recruitment in vivo.

Colon sections taken from untreated (UT) mice or mice treated with DSS plus E121 (60 mg/kg) or vehicle were immunostained with antisera against the neutrophil marker Gr1 (panel A). Immunofluorescent (Alexa Fluor) signals shown in left side of panel A are overlaid with DAPI stain on right side to show tissue architecture for the conditions indicated. Panels B represent quantitative assessment of fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units). Histobars represent means ± SEM for 6 mice in each group. Asterisk denotes significant difference from UT mice, with p<0.05, and # denotes significant difference from DSS/ i.p vehicle treated mice, with p<0.05.

Fig 6
