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Hyperthermia Influences the Effects of Sodium Channel Blocking Drugs in Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

Fig 2

Effects of temperature variation on sodium channel currents and current kinetics.

(A) Representative current-voltage relationships for peak INa acquired with indicated voltage protocols (the inset on the left) at 36°C and 40°C. (B) Normalized membrane conductance (Gm/Gmax) versus membrane potentials demonstrating the steady-state activation of INa measured at 36°C and 40°C. (C) Normalized peak INa (Im/Imax) measured at -30 mV with the indicated protocol (inset) versus membrane potentials demonstrating the steady-state inactivation of INa measured at 36°C and 40°C. (D) Recovery of INa from inactivation measured with the indicated protocol (inset) at 36°C and 40°C. (E) Late INa illustrated as the area under the current curve (pA*ms) between 50 and 350 ms of the pulse at -45 mV. (F) Examples of Na+ current traces showing the peak INa and late INa (at -40 mV) recorded at 36°C and 40°C. Values given are mean ± SEM. n, number of cells. ns, P>0.05.

Fig 2
