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An Experimental Model of Vasovagal Syncope Induces Cerebral Hypoperfusion and Fainting-Like Behavior in Awake Rats

Fig 4

Behavioral Changes during sGVS in Awake Rats.

Representative images of the changes in behavior observed during sGVS in awake rats. Sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimulation in the awake animal induces similar symptoms as that experienced by VVS patients. Awake animals during stimulation exhibit signs of fatigue-like behavior (reduced responsiveness and lethargy), labored breathing, altered coordination, and even faint-like behavior (i.e. falling). Representative images from fainting-like behavior in two animals are shown (A, B) with pre-faint-like stance (i), stance during the faint-like behavior (ii), and spontaneous recovery within 1–2 seconds after the onset of the faint-like behavior (iii). (C) Representative images of altered coordination and head swaying.

Fig 4
