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Comparing Trabeculectomy Outcomes between First and Second Operated Eyes: A Multicenter Study

Fig 1

Kaplan–Meier survival curves for the three failure criteria, comparing the first and second operated eyes.

Criterion A: intraocular pressure (IOP) >21 mmHg, <20% reduction of preoperative IOP, reoperation for glaucoma, a loss of light perception vision, or hypotony of ≤5 mmHg. Criterion B: IOP >18 mmHg, <20% reduction of preoperative IOP, reoperation for glaucoma, a loss of light perception vision, or hypotony of ≤5 mmHg. Criterion C: IOP >15 mmHg, <20% reduction of preoperative IOP, reoperation for glaucoma, a loss of light perception vision, or hypotony of ≤5 mmHg. The cumulative success rates for first and second operated eyes were 73.6% and 60.6% for Criterion A (P = 0.090), 59.8% and 54.0% for Criterion B (P = 0.42), and 43.8% and 41.7% for Criterion C (P = 0.57).

Fig 1
