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Changes in Circulating ProAMH and Total AMH during Healthy Pregnancy and Post-Partum: A Longitudinal Study

Fig 1

Change in total AMH levels during gestation.

(A) Each woman’s individual levels are shown. (B) Box and whisker plots (medians, interquartile intervals, range) of AMH levels. (C) Percentage decline. Each woman’s values were normalized to her first trimester (6–11 weeks) sample, using log transformation. The data is the mean ± standard of error of the mean. There is a significant decline with gestational age, p<0.001 (repeated measures, mixed model). LSD post-hoc analysis indicated that all time points were significantly different compared to the 6–11 week samples (p = 0.026 for the 16–19 week time-point and p < 0.001 for the other gestational ages). 1 ng/ml of AMH = 7.14 pmol/L (pM).

Fig 1
