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A B-Cell Superantigen Induces the Apoptosis of Murine and Human Malignant B Cells

Fig 4

PpL decreases the expression of IgM and κ chain in a human malignant B cell line.

Daudi cells were incubated with PpL (100 μg/ml), OVA (100 μg/ml) or PBS for 1hr and the expression of κ chain and IgM were measured by FACS. A) Representative overlaid histograms of κ chain expression. B) MFI of κ chain expression (mean ± SEM). C) MFI of IgM (mean ± SEM). The experiments were performed three times with similar results (* p<0.05 PpL vs PBS; * p<0.01 PpL vs PBS).

Fig 4
