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Analysis of Polymorphic Membrane Protein Expression in Cultured Cells Identifies PmpA and PmpH of Chlamydia psittaci as Candidate Factors in Pathogenesis and Immunity to Infection

Fig 3

pmpE1-E2 and pmpH-G2 are organized in operons.

Based on co-linearity, 6 putative operons were identified: pmpE2-E1, pmpG8-G5-G2-H, pmpG3-G7, pmpG1b-G1d pmpG4-G6-G1c, and pmpA-B. cDNAs generated at 24, 32 and 48 hpi were amplified by RT-PCR using specific primers spanning the intergenic regions (Table 2). Only results for pmpE1-E2 and pmpH-G2 are presented as amplicons were not detected for all other intergenic regions. M: MassRuler Low Range DNA ladder (Thermo Scientific); +C: positive control C. psittaci Cal10 genomic DNA; -C HeLa: negative control cDNA from uninfected HeLa cells; RT/NRT: with or without reverse transcriptase.

Fig 3
