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Generation of Anti-Murine ADAMTS13 Antibodies and Their Application in a Mouse Model for Acquired Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Fig 6

Mouse model for acquired TTP.

The mAbs 20A10 (2.50 mg/kg) or 13B4 and 14H7 (1.25 mg/kg each) were retro-orbitally injected in Adamts13+/+ mice at day -1. TTP was induced by intravenous tail injection of rVWF (500 U/kg) at day 0. Blood sampling was performed 7 days before initiating the experiment (‘day -7’) and 24 h post injection of rVWF (‘24 h PI rhVWF’). (A) Platelet counts and (B) LDH activity levels were measured. Each dot represents the value for a single mouse (n ≥ 12).

Fig 6
