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Allostimulatory Effects of Dendritic Cells with Characteristic Features of a Regulatory Phenotype

Fig 5

LiClPAM3 DC derived CXCL-1 is not involved in T cell activation or proliferation.

Balb/c MHCII-depleted splenocytes were co-cultured for 4–6 days with C57Bl/6N LiClPAM3 DC in the presence of a CXCL-1 neutralizing antibody, or an isotype control. Neutralization of DC derived CXCL-1 did not affect T cell proliferation (A) or activation (B) (n = 5). Selective chemical CXCR2 blockade by SB225002 did not result in reduced T cell proliferation (C) or activation (D) caused by CXCR2 blockade, compared to vehicle only (n = 3).

Fig 5
