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Allostimulatory Effects of Dendritic Cells with Characteristic Features of a Regulatory Phenotype

Fig 1

LiClPAM3 dendritic cells (DCs) display characteristic features of a tolerogenic phenotype with high IL-10:IL-12 ratio.

Bone marrow-derived C57Bl/6N DCs were cultured for 9 days with GM-CSF. Cells were gated for CD11c+ (A) and subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry for percentage of CD40, CD80, CD86, and MHCII cells (black lines, grey area depicts unstained cells). The percentage of CD40+ or CD86+ cells was lower in LiClPAM3 DC compared to LPS DC (* p<0.05) (B). Supernatants obtained after 9 days of DC culture were analyzed for cytokines (** p<0.01) (C). LiClPAM3 DCs have a higher IL-10:IL-12 ratio compared to LPS and control DC (** p<0.01) (D). Results are of 6 independent experiments.

Fig 1
