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Dendrimer-Based Selective Proteostasis-Inhibition Strategy to Control NSCLC Growth and Progression

Fig 8

Selective VCP mediated proteostasis-inhibition controls the growth of NSCLC colonies.

H1299 cells were suspended in serum containing media with 0.3% agarose and plated over a 0.6% agarose base layer on a 12-well plate (2.0 x105/well) (n = 3). Fresh media with control-PBS-vehicle, empty-dendrimer (DDN), DBeQ (50μM, positive control) or DBeQ-encapsulated dendrimer (DDNDBeQ, 50μM) was added to the top of the cells suspended in agarose. The plate was kept in a 37°C incubator until colonies were visible and pictures were captured using a Nikon Eclipse TS100 inverted light microscope at 10x phase objective magnification. The average number and area of colonies were quantified using the Infinity Analyze software. The data indicates that DBeQ, DDN and DDNDBeQ treatments significantly decrease the number and area of NSCLC colonies as compared to PBS-vehicle control (p<0.001). These results support our findings that dendrimer encapsulated DBeQ is effective in limiting NSCLC growth suggesting its potential in controlling tumor progression and metastasis.

Fig 8
