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Induction of IFNT-Stimulated Genes by Conceptus-Derived Exosomes during the Attachment Period

Fig 3

Expression and localization of CAPG and AKR1B1 proteins in the conceptuses.

(A) The presence of CAPG or AKR1B1 proteins in C15, C17, P15, or P17 ovine endometria and P15 or P17 conceptuses was examined by western blot analysis. ACTB was used as an internal control. A representative data from three independent experiments containing protein samples from different animals was shown. Endo, endometrium; Con, conceptus. (B) Immunohistochemical detection of CAPG (a, c, and e) and AKR1B1 (b, d, and f) in P17 ovine uteri. Tissue sections were immunostained for CAPG using anti-CAPG antibody (a and c) or normal goat IgG (e) as a negative control. Boxed area in (a) is shown at a higher magnification (c). Tissue sections were immunostained for AKR1B1 using anti- AKR1B1 antibody (b and d) or normal rabbit IgG (f) as a negative control. Boxed area in (b) is shown at a higher magnification (d). Con, conceptus; LE, luminal epithelium; GE, glandular epithelium. Scale bar = 250 μm (a, b, e, and f), or 50μm (c and d), respectively.

Fig 3
