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Repeated Vaccination of Cows with HIV Env gp140 during Subsequent Pregnancies Elicits and Sustains an Enduring Strong Env-Binding and Neutralising Antibody Response

Fig 4

Inhibition of sCD4 binding activity to CD4bs epitope on AD8 gp140 Env by colostrum IgG from cow 7004.

The competition ELISA was done using serial concentrations of colostrum purified IgG with the constant amount of 500ng/ml sCD4. Binding of sCD4 was detected using anti-CD4 antibody. Batch 0 is the pre-immune collected colostrum samples. Results represent the mean of 3 repeats and error bars show SD values P values were calculated using one-way Anova followed by a Tukey HSD test post-test (****P < 0.0001).

Fig 4
