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Mitochondrial DNA Rearrangement Spectrum in Brain Tissue of Alzheimer’s Disease: Analysis of 13 Cases

Fig 1

Example of mtDNA mtDNA recombinant.

Blast result by using the sequence of fragments against the whole sequence of mtDNA genome. Query indicate the sequence of fragment, sbjct indicate the whole sequence of mtDNA genome. A. Deletion: Common mtDNA deletion 4977 between nt8482-13447 of mtDNA; a. indicate that a fragment between 8482 and 13447(red arrow) has been cut out, and a new small size mtDNA genome (deletion) has been formed as showed at b. B.F-type rearrangement: a.shows two fragments joining in the same direction, 5’ numbering is 6673, 3’ numbering is 5385 according to L-Strand. b. shows the model of F-type rearrangement, indicate the end of one fragment is 6673, and the end of another fragment is 5385, with the new mtDNA has duplicate sequence between nt5385-6673 (arrows show). C.R1-type rearrangement: a.shows two fragments jointed together to form new fragment with 5’ numbering is 5740, and 3’is 5763, the gap of numbering between 5’ joining point and 3’ joining point is 7,b.suggested model of R1 type rearrangement: one fragment from 1–5740 joined with another fragment in reverse orientation beginning is 5763 and end is 1. D. R2-type rearrangement: a.shows two fragments jointed together to form new fragment with 5’ numbering is 3909, and 3’ is 3894, the gap of numbering between 5’ breakpoint and 3’ breakpoint is 13, b.suggested the model of R2 type rearrangement: one fragment from 16569–3909 joined with another fragment, which is in reverse orientation beginning is 3894 and end is 16569.

Fig 1
