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Comprehensive Genome-Wide Transcriptomic Analysis of Immature Articular Cartilage following Ischemic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Piglets

Fig 1

Response to hypoxic stress (HIF-1 pathway) and cell survival signaling pathways (PI3K-Akt, MAPK pathways) are the most significantly enriched functions in the immature articular cartilage at 24 hours following the induction of ONFH.

The genes and the specific pathways that were significantly enriched (p<0.05, based on t-tests, Bonferroni, FDR) are listed. The network diagram (STRING10 software) indicates a close relationship of different genes based on the functional roles in biological pathways. The clusters of genes indicating specific biological functions (cell survival and signaling, matrix and growth factors, hypoxic stress response) are indicated using boxes with dashed lines. The nodes indicate individual genes and the connecting lines indicate the relationship. Shorter lines indicate closer relationship. This evidence plot utilizes multiple lines to indicate stronger evidence for the proximity in a functional relationship.

Fig 1
