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Four Common Simplifications of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis do not hold for River Rehabilitation

Fig 3

Sample value functions.

We show different exemplary value functions for the attributes (A) substrate clogging (n° 18; discrete; Table 3) and (B—D) shoreline length per river length (n° 38; continuous). The BioPhys-expert assessed shoreline length as a linear value function (B), whereas the BioPhys- and the BioC-experts opted for a non-linear one (C and D). x-axis: attribute scale from worst-possible (left) to best-possible state (right). y-axis: value scale, where the attribute level is translated to a neutral value between 0 (worst-possible state) to 1 (best-possible state) with help of the value function. Color-coding according to Swiss Modular Concept of stream assessment in five quality classes: bad, unsatisfactory, moderate, good, and very good (

Fig 3
