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Evaluation of the Therapeutic Potential of Anti-TLR4-Antibody MTS510 in Experimental Stroke and Significance of Different Routes of Application

Fig 6

Evaluation of cells of the adaptive immune response at 48h after 45min MCAO in mice i.v. treated with anti-TLR4mAb or vehicle control.

Through CD3- or CD45.B220-specific selection by the use of flow cytometry, the total T-cell count (A), and the total B-cell count (B) in whole ischemic (ipsi), and non-ischemic (contra) hemispheres of i.v. TLR4mAb treated (TLR4-Ab) and vehicle (PBS) treated mice was determined at 48h after 45min of MCAO (mean values ± SD; *p< 0.05; Mann-Whitney U; nPBS = 6; nTLR4Ab = 5).

Fig 6
