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Vimentin-Mediated Steroidogenesis Induced by Phthalate Esters: Involvement of DNA Demethylation and Nuclear Factor κB

Fig 1

Effects of MBP on the progesterone secretion.

(A) MLTC-1 and (B) Y1 cells were exposed to 0 ~ 104 nM MBP in the presence of 100 U/L hCG or 10 μM forskolin for 24 h respectively, the secretion of progesterone was determined in triplicate. The amounts of progesterone measured in control cells were MLTC-1: 8.85±0.21 ng/ml, Y1:8.01±0.32 ng/ml, respectively. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared with cells exposed to hCG or forskolin alone.

Fig 1
