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Covariation between Spike and LFP Modulations Revealed with Focal and Asynchronous Stimulation of Receptive Field Surround in Monkey Primary Visual Cortex

Fig 8

Correlation between spike activity and LFP.

A. SOA-dependent spike modulation for the cell shown in Fig 3. The mean firing rates during the post-stimulus period of 50–150 ms of S2 are plotted as a function of SOA. Vertical dashed lines are the reference response levels evoked by S2 alone. B. Simultaneously recorded mean LFP traces in an arbitrary unit for corresponding SOAs for the cell shown in A. Traces are vertically shifted for visibility. C. Time course of mean correlation between spike and LFP modulation. The correlation coefficient between the SOA-dependent firing rate (as shown in A) and the instantaneous amplitude of LFP (as shown in B) was first calculated every 1 ms for each condition. Shown is the mean correlation coefficient time course averaged over all 517 stimulus conditions (11 SOAs X 47 S1-S2 sequences) from 31 cells including cases in which S1 was tested at more than one RF diameter away. The shading represents ±1 SE. Note a positive correlation immediately after S2 onset (arrow) and a subsequent negative correlation. D, E. Frequency histograms of the time from S2 onset (D) and the correlation coefficient (E) for the 1st (upper) and 2nd (lower) peaks in the time course of correlation. Dashed vertical lines indicate distribution means. For the 1st peak correlation, the mean location was 45.25 ±36.0 ms and the mean correlation coefficient was 0.32 ±0.24. For the 2nd peak, the mean location was 119.32 ±38.3 ms, and the mean correlation coefficient was -0.42 ±0.33. Black bars indicate significant cases, as determined with a bootstrap statistical test (p<0.05).

Fig 8
