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SLC26A Gene Family Participate in pH Regulation during Enamel Maturation

Fig 9

EDS analysis of mature enamel Slc26a1-/- and Slc26a7-/- animals.

(A-C) EDS spectrum of mature enamel in wild-type, Slc26a1-/- and Slc26a7-/- animals (n = 6 per group). (D) No statistically significant differences were detected in the At% of Ca, P and O between mutant and wild-type enamel. (E) The At% of Cl increased significantly by ~34% in both Slc26a1-/- (P = 0.012) and Slc26a7-/- (P = 0.035) enamel. There was a significant decrease in the At% of C in Slc26a1-/- enamel (P = 0.028). A similar difference in the At% of C was detected between Slc26a7-/- and wild-type enamel, but was only marginally significant (P = 0.078). The At% of Na in Slc26a7-/- enamel also significantly decreased (P = 0.028).

Fig 9
